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Green clay in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2020-07-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: green cardenclaveenclaspgreengreenygreensgreenlygreener
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1, The yellowish green clay we were walking through was laid down between 4.4 and 4.3 million years ago, when this part of the CAC was a lake much like Yardi. Nothing was preserved in the clay but fish.
2, French green clay hosts all minerals necessary to ascending biology, and crystalline skin can absorb the minerals in the act of bathing.
3, Our talc-free formula contains green clay and cornstarch to absorb moisture, tea tree oil to soothe sensitive skin.
4, Rainbow French Green Clay has enormous absorbent powers. It literally "drinks" oils, toxic substances, and impurities.
5, The results show that green clay can enhance the efficacy of skin cleaning, and improve the skin status.
6, Mila and Oa would then use French green clay and a mud bath in their hotel to pull off the dead skin cells for a rapid recovery from long plane travel.
7, The result shows that under 3%,[ clay.html] green clay could reduce the skin irritation of facial cleaner. So green clay is a good material for skin cleaning formulations.
8, Mud baths or packs are perhaps the best way to give the skin a good dose of minerals; blend 1/2 cup french green clay with 3/4 cup hot water and mix with a hand blender.
9, This is when Mila relies upon taking a mud bath and spreading a nice thick coat of French green clay mixed with water and essential oil of eucalyptus.
10, Go to beauty salons do a complete skin cleansing, and then use the green clay mask, the effect is very good!
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